Thysanoptera of Japan


Iridothrips mariae Pelikan, 1961

和名: - 

本州と沖縄本島から記録されている。湿地に生息し、ガマ Typha latifolia【ガマ科】、タイモ Colocasia esculenta【サトイモ科】の葉鞘の隙間に見られる。水面近くに多いが、水面下にも見られる。旧チェコスロバキアから記載され、ドイツ、ハンガリー、セルビア、オランダ等に分布する。ヨーロッパでは同じガマ科のミクリ Sparganium erectumにも見られる。Frankliniella属に近縁だが、前翅の前脈先端部は刺毛の間隔が広いこと、鱗片翅脈上の刺毛が3-4本であること、前胸背板は背板上の刺毛を欠くことで識別される。

In Japan, this species has been recorded from Honshu and Okinawa Island so far. It is habiting in the wet-land. It occurs between the leaf-sheath of Typha latifolia [Typhaceae] and Colocasia esculenta [Araceae], and usually near (often under) water surface. This species was described from Czechoslovakia and now is widely distributed in Europe such as Germany, Hungary, Serbia and the Netherlands. In Europe, it occur also in Sparganium erectum [Typhaceae] other than in Typha. Iridothrips is closely related to Frankliniella but it can be distinguished from the latter genus by fore wing first vein with setal row widely spaced distally, clavus with 3-4 veinal setae and pronotum without discal setae.

  • Female




    Female head and thorax

    Female head and thorax

    Habitat:Typha latifolia ガマ

    Habitat:Typha latifolia ガマ

    Habitat:Typha latifolia ガマ